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Become a Member

Interested in becoming involved in improving the quality of life in your community, for you and your neighbors? Become a member of the North Hills Estates Civic Association!


Your membership dues support neighborhood beautification projects and events. We need your assistance to keep these worthwhile activities going. In addition to your membership, please give back to your community by volunteering for NHECA administration, beautification, and events. Compared to many local homeowner and civic associations, NHECA’s annual membership dues are a minimal investment.    


Annual dues are $40 if postmarked by March 16, 2024, or $45 if postmarked after March 16, 2024.  Dues are applied to the calendar year and are payable by cash or check. Below are several ways to pay.


To enroll as a member of the North Hills Estates Civic Association or update your membership information, please​ use the following link to download a printable form, complete both sides of this form and return it with your check payable to North Hills Estates Civic Association (NHECA) postmarked March 16, 2024 (March 6, 2024, to be included in the early return drawing.)  Membership is valid for the 2024 calendar year.

Community Dues and Donations

Membership dues and donations help the NHECA to fund local programs.


Donation Giving Levels

  • Supporter: $1-$49

  • Friend: $50-$99

  • Patron: $100-$199

  • Benefactor: $200-$499

  • Angel: $500+


Check out our Initiatives page for some current and past projects made possible due to your support!

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